This Code of Ethics defines the fundamental principles and values ​​to which SMEDI Group companies adhere and unilaterally undertake to apply them in the daily practice of their activities.

The word SMEDI includes and engages in all that follows all the subsidiaries of the SMEDI group, its agents and its collaborators.

It is likely to be modified in order to adapt to changes, in particular regulatory ones.

The core values ​​underlying this code are

Humanity, integrity, respect for the person, respect for the physical integrity of patients, benevolence, honesty, respect for multiculturalism, respect for laws and regulations and professionalism.

Respect for the interests of the countries and citizens of the countries in which we operate.

Beyond the intentions, the general management of the SMEDI group undertakes to initiate strategies, policies, measures and to mobilize the necessary means to translate into facts, acts and daily practice of the subsidiaries and agents and group employees, the commitments of this charter. To this end, SMEDI undertakes

To respect the rules of ethics in relation to its activities and in particular those specific to medical activities.

SMEDI also imposes on itself the following values ​​and commitments which motivate its actions and its practices and which constitute its code of conduct.

  • Compliance with laws, regulations and contractual commitments.
  • To provide services that meet the standards recognized by official parties, in terms of quality, health, safety and the environment.
  • To treat all human beings, patients and accompanying persons with humanity, empathy, benevolence, good treatment.
  • Total respect for the person and the physical integrity of patients.
  • To provide its patients with the best care, the best possible care pathways, and the best of what medicine offers in the country of care.
  • To ensure the interests of patients, and respect for their choices and their informed consent.
  • To defend the interests of its clients.
  • To apply a human resources policy and practices, respecting and ensuring the dignity, privacy, private data and safety of all employees.
  • To have with all stakeholders financial practices and invoicing that are transparent, fair and in line with the commitments made.
  • To select its suppliers and service providers solely on the basis of objectives, quality, performance, cost and suitability for its needs.
  • To deal with all stakeholders (customers, patients, providers, healthcare professionals, etc.) with professionalism, integrity and honesty.
  • To respect its competitors and refrain from any practice of unfair competition.
  • To ensure the good image of Destination Tunisia and the countries where it maintains activities and relations.
  • To invest in an active contribution to the development of the health offer of the countries of the African continent and to the respect of the interests of the health professionals, in particular, Tunisia and the countries where it maintains activities and relations.
  • To have a responsible policy and practices, particularly in the societal, environmental and sustainable development fields.

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