A subsidiary, specialising in medical evacuation and facilitation, with offices in 13 countries

(Gabon, Guinée, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Tunisie, Mali, Niger, Togo, RD Congo, Tchad).

With more than a decade of experience, SMEDI has mastered and implemented processes and working methods based essentially on human resources and the customer approach.

In addition to the capital of SMEDI and its agreements with service providers, care and logistics chosen from among the best, SMEDI has invested in its team which works in harmony at the service of the end customer who is the patient.

Our experience allows us not only to reduce the pain of the patient but also to make him feel that he is at home, with family and friends by respecting his culture, his traditions, his feelings and his religion.

To this end, cultural and leisure support has been set up to make the care stay useful and pleasant.

At SMEDI you are safe and you benefit from body and mind care.

Our goal is your rest and fulfillment.

SMEDI Care manages patient care projects in inter-countries and in particular the care pathways of people in care in Tunisia.

In terms of care abroad, SMEDI acts as a facilitator and coordinator between, on the one hand, patients who travel abroad for their care and treatment and, on the other hand, hospital structures, health professionals, and specialists.
SMEDI advises and assists patients and clients in carrying out care pathways with a view to obtaining the best possible results (Identification of the best practitioners and specialists for the case in question, the best existing structure, management of the pathway care, cost reduction and optimization of the allocated budget.

SMEDI has become in ten years one of the leaders in care solutions abroad, with 33 partners, present in various countries, mainly in Africa.

Service Médical International | 2022